Monday, June 2, 2008


I don't know about everyone else, but I can't believe it's June already. Where did the first half of the year go? It's crazy.

We finally closed on our house a couple of weeks ago. (Yay!) We are homeowners. Scary but liberating. So far, no regrets.

We've been purchasing things for our new home. We just bought the kids a swing set (Cohen can't really enjoy it just yet, lol), and we got a new washer and dryer because our old set was around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. I just have to say, you know you are getting old when you get excited about buying new appliances.

I love being able to take my kids outside and there be an actual yard for them to play in. It's quiet and peaceful, and it reassures me that we made a good decision for our family.
Matt starts a new job next week. His last day at his current job is tomorrow (yay!). We're looking forward to having more time together and to him not being so stressed out. I know he's been counting down to his last day there. So have I. I miss him.

Emberlynn has been sick the past few days, and even though I hate that she's not feeling too great, it's during these times that she gets particularly cuddly and clingy. It makes me feel pretty special when she just wants me to hold her. I know times like these won't last, so I hold her close and cover her in kisses and tell her how much I love her.

My little man Cohen is doing pretty well. He's growing every day and learning new things all the time. He's almost six months old, which I can't believe. Sometimes I wish I could just keep him little like this forever; other times I am curious about what he will be like as he grows. For now, I'm just enjoying all the little moments we have together.

So I guess that's the scoop. The update on what's going on in my life. For those who care to know, anyway.