Cohen turned 2 a couple of weeks ago, and although this blog is a bit late, I'm sure anybody who has a 2-year-old will forgive me. He sure does keep me busy, as does my preschool-age daughter, who will be 4 on Valentine's Day. This blog is for him, but it's also for me because I get to relive the day he came into my life.
Christmas 2007 was approaching, and Cohen was due on New Year's Day. I was worried he'd end up being born on Christmas day and would be one of those kids who would grow up hating having a Christmas birthday. (Perhaps this was poor planning on Mommy and Daddy's part as far as conception.) At my 37-week check-up, I was 4 cm dilated but was not contracting, and my doctor told me that if I dilated any more at the next week's check-up but was not in labor she would induce me.
On Friday, December 21st, I brought my hospital bag to the doctor with me in hopes that I would have progressed enough to be induced. Sure enough, I was at about 4.5 cm and was told I was in "early latent labor" and could be induced. My doctor's words were, "Do you want to have a baby today?" to which I replied, "Oh, yes, please!" I loved being pregnant, but the past few months had been particularly uncomfortable for me, especially when it came to trying to sleep at night. I was ready to meet my son.
My doctor broke my water at about 1 pm, and I was given Pitocin soon after. Because I had gone into labor naturally with my daughter (my water broke on it's own and I contracted normally without any help from Pitocin), I had never had the Pitocin before. I was determined to have a natural labor with my son just as I had with Emberlynn (meaning: no epidural). My labor with my daughter was incredibly painful, but my labor with Cohen was beyond unbearable because of the Pitocin; however, I made it through without the epidural, and Cohen Micah Anderson was born at 8:12 pm weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches long.
We brought Cohen home just two days before Christmas. It definitely took some adjusting to go from having one child to two, but soon it just became second nature and felt like it had always been that way.
And what a busy and adventurous two years it has been! Cohen is a happy, fun-loving, friendly, and overall amazing little boy, and he is definitely a Mommy's boy (although he loves hanging out and having fun with Daddy, too). He loves reading, coloring, Elmo, guitars, and playing with his big sister.
Happy 2nd Birthday to my little man!
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