On Thursday, we trekked to Vandy for the kids' quarterly CF Clinic visit. Despite the flooding in Nashville and various road closures, we actually made it to Vanderbilt in record time. Matt was able to go to this appointment since he is unable to work indefinitely (his work was one of the businesses that was flooded last weekend), so despite the fact that we basically have no source of income right now, it was nice to have Daddy there with us.
I was very proud of Emberlynn because she volunteered to go first (she usually volunteers her brother to be the first to go) and was extremely cooperative for everything, even the throat swab (which she usually cries about). She was absolutely perfect, and I couldn't have been more proud of her. Cohen was a bit crabby due to being up late the night before and having to get up early in the morning. He was cooperative for the initial exam by the nurse (height, weight, oxygen level, and temp checked) and when the doctor examined him (listening to his lungs, feeling his belly, etc.). However, he hated having the EMLA cream put on him to numb his arms prior to having his blood drawn, and he also took great displeasure, as per usual, at having his throat swabbed. (And, on a side note that has nothing directly to do with the appointment, the nurse we saw had an uncanny resemblence to Tina Fey and also possessed her mannerisms...weird!)
I call this appointment "uneventful" because the kids were both given good reports, and no changes were made to their medications or treatment plans. However, to anyone who doesn't go to these appointments on a regular basis, I suppose it would be pretty eventful because of all the things the nurses and doctors have to check and the number of people we have to see (nurse, doctor, dietician, social worker, and respiratory therapist).
I believe the most thrilling part of the whole visit for the kids was getting Dora the Explorer stickers and coloring sheets from Nurse Tina Fey. Emberlynn stuck a sticker on each one of us, so on the way out, we were all sporting our awesome Dora stickers with the wonderful knowledge that the kids are doing well despite that ugly disease called CF.
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