A few unrelated updates about my kiddos...
Since we have to essentially "make" Cohen gain two pounds by the end of next month, I have been weighing him at the beginning of each week to keep tabs on it. From last Sunday to today, he has put on half of a pound. If he keeps that up, we should get to the two pounds (and maybe more) with no problem. We've been pumping this kid full of Pediasure to supplement his already decent appetite for food.
Speaking of good appetites, Kyden is pretty much over baby food completely. He still eats a little here and there, but he is preferring table food (who wouldn't, right?). This has made meals for him a little more challenging since he is limited to the kinds of food he can eat at this point. He's been eating a lot of steamed peas and carrots lately along with bananas, all of which he loves. Today, I gave him tiny bits of chicken at lunch (he ate every bite), steamed peas and carrots (inhaled), and steamed apples with cinnamon (inhaled even faster). Tonight, I am going to let him try some of the creamy potato soup (think very creamy mashed potatoes, but it also has pureed squash and cauliflower in it). Along with the nursing, it would seem he is getting adequate nutrition, but his nine-month check-up on Friday showed him to be on the smaller side for his weight (about 25th percentile) but otherwise healthy. The doctor is not concerned, citing that it is probably genetics (which I can't argue with, since Matt was a very small baby and child, and all my babies have been small so far). I'm sure if Kyden was formula-fed and drank juice instead of water in his sippy cup, he probably would be a little bigger given all those extra calories. Anyway, I'm sure he will catch up as he eats more table foods and once he switches from breast milk to whole milk after his first birthday, but the irony is that I thought he would be the only one of my three children with whom I wouldn't have to worry about calories and growth, and here I am somewhat worrying about it, even though the doctor assured me I shouldn't.
The doctor also diagnosed Kyden with eczema, which confirmed my suspicions about the skin issues he has been having. Fortunately, I have been doing almost everything the doctor suggested to keep the symptoms to a minimum (special lotion, hypoallergenic products, and applying Aquaphor on when it flares up), but she also said to keep his baths spread out to about every three days. I have been bathing him about every other day, mostly just out of routine, but it's an easy adjustment to make.
All this talk of food is making me hungry, so onto another topic. Cohen has his first soccer practice this evening, and since soccer is pretty much all he has talked about the last month, he is completely stoked that he finally gets to go tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does as far as learning how to be part of a team, following directions, taking turns, and so on. It will also be good for him to have the social interaction with other kids his age and not just with his sister and baby brother. Mostly, I just want him to have fun and be a kid.
Since I have talked about my boys, I must talk about my daughter so she won't feel left out, right? She is doing very well with her school work and is reading everything. (Gone are the days when Matt and I could spell stuff to each other if we didn't want the kids to know what we were talking about.) I must say, I think she's a born reader. Not only is she good at it, but she enjoys it, too. Phonics, schmonics. She pretty much blows it out of the water. I'm very proud of my Emmylou. She is sort of a fidget when it comes to sitting still, but she does remarkably well with her lessons, so I know she's still paying attention.
Speaking of school, time to end this blog and get some lessons going.
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